28 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. - Matthew 14:28-29
Five loaves and two fish fed over five thousand people in the hands of Jesus. His miraculous work after teaching the crowd led him to spend time with himself and God. His disciples had taken him to a secluded place and then got back in their boat and were in the middle of the sea.
The winds and the waves arose, and a storm rose over the sea. They'd been there before, a massive storm tossing and turning the boat while Jesus took a nap. But this time, Jesus wasn't there. A number of the disciples were fishermen by trade, but the storm was raging still.
Then they saw him. Jesus, their teacher and rabbi, walked out to their boat on the stormy waters. They'd seen him do some amazing things during their time together, but their minds must've been blown when they saw his feet on top of the waves. Peter, ever bold in his requests, asked Jesus to command him to come out to Jesus.
"Come," Jesus said.
I've always wondered what that first step was like for Peter.
Was it a step of confidence from the safety of the wooden boat onto the waves? Or was it a tentative step, like one that I take whenever I step onto an icy sidewalk?
Regardless of the method of the step, Peter took it. And then Peter was walking on the water - the second person in history to ever do so. Peter started walking out to Jesus, just as he asked and Jesus commanded.
Peter had faith that what Jesus commanded was true. Sure, Peter got distracted by the wind and the waves, but Jesus saved him even when that happened. Peter still was the one that was bold and took the step.
Over the past four years, I've wondered how God was going to use our family and all that we've gone through in losing Anders. We've had countless opportunities to share our story - both online and in person. I've written over 50 blog posts. There have been podcast interviews and news stories. A scholarship has been established in honor of Anders with numerous fundraisers that others are hosting in order to raise funds for Mandan students.
Throughout the entire time, I've spent time in prayer seeking the Lord's will for my life and for our family. Today, I am standing at the edge of the boat and Jesus is calling me onto the water.
Three weeks ago I was offered and accepted a full-time position as the Area Director for the Bismarck-Mandan/Central Area in North Dakota for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes!
The transition to FCA does mean that I am leaving the Mandan Public School district at the end of this school year. Mandan is the only job I've known as an adult and I am going to miss all of the wonderful people that I've gotten to know over the last 13 years.
But I am super excited about partnering with others to impact the lives of coaches and athletes for the Gospel.
There is more to share about how this all came to be, and that's something that I'll share moving forward. But for now, please pray for me over the next few months that I finish my work with Mandan Public Schools well and prepare well for my work with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
28 And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” 29 He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. - Matthew 14:28-29
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Twitter: @RyneJungling
Facebook: Mission Anders
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